
SIMBL For Poking Inside Mac Application Internals

SIMBL is, according to it's Home Page:

Some applications do about 90% of what I want.
Develop my own applications.
Better Solution:
Patch the application myself...
SIMBL (SIMple Bundle Loader) - pronounced like "symbol" or "cymbal" - enables hacks and plugins. For instance, SIMBL enables PithHelmet to enhance Safari.

So, let's say we have a naughty program that has a behaviour we don't like. How would we treat that problem?

  1. class-dump TargetProgram
  2. Look at the list of classes and note the one that seems to be the issue. Let's call that class Victim.
  3. Inside, find your naughty method, let's call it '- (BOOL) victimMethod;'
  4. Open Info.plist of the victim, and note the bundle name and version
  5. Create new Cocoa bundle in XCode according to the steps on SIMBL site
  6. Fill in the bundle name as stated
  7. Use the following code: 
  8. Restart the target app
  9. ???
  10. Profit!

1 comment:

  1. doesn't work for me... I tried it on the MSJ Challenge #1 app


    Class = Level1

    victimMethod = isRegistered

    no dice...

    perhaps you can download crackme#1. build a project for xcode and upload it to a fileshare so we can test your results?
